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Clothing That Keeps It Concealed


Carrying a handgun when it’s warm out is no easy task for people who have concealed carry permits. It’s especially challenging for people who live where the climate is dominated by warm weather.

Here are some wardrobe tips and observations that will make your outings with your handgun safe and comfortable.

Wear clothing that blends in with the style and type of clothing appropriate for the occasion. Wearing a coat where every else is in T-shirts will stand out and get noticed.

Loose clothing can hide indications that you’re carrying a gun. It will also make it easier for you to access and draw your gun if needed. But keep in mind that excessively loose clothing can gather in folds that may impede your draw. 

Heavy clothing and heavy fabrics are better than lightweight garments. Heavy fabric can hang in a way that it conceals any irregular shape under it. It also tends to be easier to sweep aside to access your firearm. When you wear a jacket, make it one that you can comfortably button or zip up so the wind can’t blow it open.

Stay away from light fabrics and colors. They can easily create hollows, shadows and bulges as well as reveal the straps of a shoulder holster.

Clothing with “regular” patterns, such as stripes, geometric patterns and plaids, can easily reveal irregularities regarding how the clothing hangs on the body. Instead, chose solid-colored fabrics or fabrics with a random pattern. 

If you’d like to personalize your 1911 pistol, turn to High Figure Grips. The company’s life-long woodworker has been making gun grips by hand for many years, and there’s a large variety of beautiful woods from which to choose. High Figure Grips also handcrafts knife handles for Spyderco Delica and Kershaw Skyline. Be sure to visit its Facebook page and You Tube channel. Feel free to contact Jon at 612-860-7337 or



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